Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM) Payments Announced

Dec 11, 2024 | Climate Change, Farm Viability, Green Architecture

Payments totalling €4.8 million have commenced issuing to farmers under the Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM). Funded under Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) 2023-2027, the scheme is designed to provide financial support for tillage farmers to increase soil organic carbon levels by chopping and incorporating straw from cereal crops. The SIM rate of pay is €250 per hectare for Oats, Wheat, Barley and Rye, while there is a lower rate of €150 for Oilseed Rape straw.

Making the announcement, Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD noted that despite it being a difficult year for farmers with shortages of fodder and bedding, he was pleased the SIM could continue as planned. The Baling Assistance Payment (BAP) Scheme worked well alongside SIM, to ensure there was enough bedding and fodder material produced for winter months. Under the BAP scheme, a payment of €175 per hectare was made to all successful applicants to the SIM on the conditions that they withdrew a portion of land from SIM and baled the straw instead of chopping/incorporating it into the soil. This withdrawn area had to be at least 1ha in area, up to a maximum of 40ha.

McConalogue went on to explain that the aim of the SIM scheme was to increase soil organic carbon levels by chopping/incorporating straw from cereal crops.

“Where farmers chose to withdraw from SIM in the summer and enter the Baling Assistance Payment scheme, they will receive payment in the early part of 2025.” 

The Minister confirmed that any outstanding SIM payments will be made in the coming weeks by bank transfer once all queries have been resolved in relation to farmers who partially or fully withdrew from the scheme(s) since they commenced.

Farmers looking for further assistance with their Straw Incorporation payment can ring the Direct Payments Helpline at 057-8674422 or can email

A county payment breakdown can also be found on the Department of Agriculture, Food and The Marine website.

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