Innovation Spotlight

The Innovation Spotlight is an initiative by CAP Network Ireland to highlight and promote sustainable innovations that may hold solutions to challenges facing the agricultural sector in Ireland.

Innovations may be those relevant to supporting the objectives of a specific scheme or strategy in Ireland, that hold a solution to a challenge facing Irish agriculture, or be a best practice or process which helps achieve the CAP objectives.

If you are interested in taking part in the Innovation Spotlight series, please contact Sarah Glascott.

Agri Data Analytics

Agri Data Analytics

Agri Data AnalyticsAgri Data Analytics is the focus of this Innovation Spotlight. A leading provider of innovative solutions for monitoring and managing methane emissions from cattle, Agri Data Analytics was founded in 2020 by Jack Pilkington and Alan O'Donovan. The...

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DeliSoilDeliSoil is the focus of this Innovation Spotlight. DeliSoil is an EU funded project that focuses on restoring soil health. More than 60% of EU soils are deemed unhealthy, and of course this has big implications for agricultural productivity. DeliSoil is...

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