What is EIP-AGRI?

The European Innovation Partnership for Agriculture (EIP-AGRI) represents a dynamic and innovative approach to research and development. EIP-AGRI concentrates its efforts on agriculture and forestry, distinguishing itself from other EIPs that address concerns such as healthy ageing and smart cities.

EIPs, characterised by their challenge-oriented nature, prioritise societal benefits and the modernisation of various sectors. They foster collaboration among research and innovation partners, aiming to achieve superior and more rapid outcomes compared to traditional approaches.

The overarching objective of EIP-AGRI involves the amalgamation of expertise and resources through the collaborative engagement of public and private sectors at the EU, national, and regional levels. EIP-AGRI is committed to:

Integrating measures from both the supply and demand sides.

Addressing key environmental concerns and challenges.

Connecting stakeholders through diverse interactive innovation projects, such as Operational Groups (OGs) operating under Rural Development Programmes (RDPs).

Emphasising the formation of partnerships through a bottom-up approach.

On May 2nd 2024, CAP Network Ireland hosted an EIP-AGRI information webinar about Calls 2 and 3, which are currently open for Expressions of Interest. Visit our EIP-AGRI Resource Page for the presentations from the webinar, EIP-AGRI Call application forms & guidelines, the full webinar recording, a partner search facility and FAQs. The closing date for this EIP-AGRI Expressions of Interest Call is 5pm on Wednesday 22 May.


Glossary of Terms

EIP-AGRI Case Studies

Kildare Farmer Recognises the Importance of Peat Soils

Kildare Farmer Recognises the Importance of Peat Soils

1. Overview2. Introduction3. Organic Farming4. Developing a New Market5. Agri-Environmental Schemes6. Conclusion7. Image Gallery1. Bernie's Background   2. Taking the Reins   3. An Evolving Farm   4. FarmPEAT - A new lease on life   5. What CAP means to Bernie ...

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