EIP-AGRI Calls Resources

On May 2nd 2024, CAP Network Ireland hosted an EIP-AGRI Information webinar on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, Food and The Marine.

This resource page is a direct follow-on to that webinar. Here you will find:

  • Presentations from the webinar 
  • EIP-AGRI Call application forms & guidelines 
  • The full webinar recording 
  • Partner search facility
  • FAQs

For more general EIP-AGRI news and information, please visit our dedicated EIP-AGRI page.

Phase 1: EIP-AGRI Webinar Presentations

Phase 1: EIP-AGRI Calls – Application Forms & Guidelines

Phase 1: Partner Search

If you are seeking a partner/project for the EIP-AGRI 2024 Call, please fill in your details on the partner search form here. The information will be shared with others interested in finding a partner/project.

Phase 1: EU Advice

Phase 1: Watch The EIP-AGRI Information Webinar

EIP-AGRI Information Webinar on Expression of Interest Application

What support does CAP Network offer?

What is an EIP-Agri Expression of Interest?

Previous Experience from the MacGillycuddy Reeks EIP Project

EIP-AGRI Phase 1: FAQs

What EIP-AGRI calls have been made?

There are two calls being made:  

  • Call 2; Animal Health and Welfare. 
  • Call 3; Women in Agriculture. 

Call 2; Animal Health and Welfare there are two themes: 

  1. An open call for innovative Expressions of Interest (EOI)s relating to Animal Health and Welfare in general. 
  1. A prescriptive call for EOIs relating to Intact Pigs Tails. 

Call 3; Women in Agriculture is simply an open call for innovative EOI 

What is the timeline for the submission and review process?

The 22nd of May is the deadline for the EOI phase. It will take some time to process all applications by the evaluation committee.  

It is expected that this process will be completed by the middle of June, and projects that have been selected will be informed of this shortly after.  

Successful applicants will then have a further 2 months to develop phase 2 of the application. 

What kind of funding is available?

Successful projects can receive up to €650,000.  

There is no funding for developing an EOI under phase 1.  

Projects which advance to phase 2 will receive funding to develop the application further.  

Is the EIP project 100% funded or is co-financing required?

The winning application will be 100% funded under the EIP initiative.  

The projects cannot receive double funding from public sources for the same actions. However, projects are welcome to seek additional funding outside of public sources. 

How competitive is the selection process, and what can applicants do to stand out?

Be innovative. There are a limited number of contracts to be awarded and it is expected that there will be a high number of applicants. Demonstrate knowledge of your focus area and a clear path for the project. 

Are there any specific criteria or priorities that DAFM will be looking for in project proposals?

The project must fit into the remit of the CAP Strategic Plan. 

Next, the project must fit under the specific requirements of call 2 or call 3. 

After that, a strong concept and a display of innovation are key.   

The quality of the Operational Group (OG) will be important when the EOI is assessed.  

If my project concept does not work under either of the calls, can I submit an expression of interest anyway?

No. The application needs to meet the current call criteriaThere will be more calls later in the year, and adequate preparation will give your project concept the greatest chance of success when the right time comes. 

What does quality of the operational group mean?

The OG should consist of partners that are relevant to the project. The partners should have expertise relevant to the project. For example, participant farmers/ landowners, Agri-environmental specialists, etc.  

The project must have at least two partners and the administrative capacity to deliver it on time and on budget. 

For more on Operation Groups click here.

Is an academic partner required to be considered a quality OG?

The most relevant approach to forming an OG is to always consider a bottom-up approach. Most previous projects have had an academic partner, but this is not essential.  

If you feel you need an academic member, there is an opportunity at phase 2 to reach out to potential partners.

Is there any advantage/ disadvantage to having a partner who has previously participated in an EIP project?

There is no inherent disadvantage, although having a partner who has previous experience on an EIP project can be invaluable.  

Can you be a partner on more than one project?

Yes. However, the partner needs to have the capacity to work on multiple projects if they intend to do so.  

It is important to look at the EU CAP website for more on Operation Groups click here.

Is there a limit to the number of project partners you can have?

No. There is a requirement to have a minimum of two, but there is not an upper limit.

Are there any restrictions on the types of partners that can be involved in an EIP-Agri project?

Once they fit in with the project, there are no restrictions. The quality of OG partners will be critical when the application is being assessed.

Can you give some more information on establishing a legally standing association or partnership and some examples please.

Once proposals successfully move through phase one (the expression of interest) and phase two (the full application) into phase three (project implementation), there is a requirement to hold a legally standing association or partnership in order to administer the project and process its funds. Some past examples include entities such as Irish Rural Link, FORUM Connemara, Kilkenny Leader Partnership, Men’s Development Network, Carroll Consultancy, Ballyhoura Development, Shanakyle Bog Restoration Group, Talamh Beo, Cillulta, Ballymoney Community Environment Group, Inishowen Rivers Trust, Burren Beo Trust.” 


EIPs are delivered via Operational Groups which are groups of actors brought together as one entity for the purposes of the project. The Operational Group will be the contact 

point and the beneficiary under the measure. If approved for aid for implementation of your project, the group must constitute itself as a lawful or legally standing association or partnership which has legal capacity to enter into contracts with the Department, assume obligations, and be eligible to receive funding.” 


Please see the below links for terminology: 

Can you give examples of how some EIPs can be innovative? Pearl Mussel, and previous EIPs, have been quite prescriptive thus far.

Projects mentioned during the webinar, like the Pearl Mussel Project, were prescriptive calls.   

Calls 2 and 3 are open calls and innovative ideas are encouraged. Under call 2 there is a prescriptive call under the theme on intact pigs’ tails.

What is an innovative idea?

Innovation can mean a lot of different things. Actions that were taken in past projects to address a particular challenge may have been successful but rather small. That said, many small innovative solutions can add up.  

A large innovation can be, for example, trying to introduce new farming practices which address identified challenges. These larger innovations often include smaller innovations within that project, such as soil testing and improving, harvesting methods and times, and measures to address water quality like effluence runoff.  

A project may try something previously tested and build upon it. A farmer might be testing something on his farm that could be scaled up to a pilot area and form the backbone of your project.  

Call 2 consists of one open call on animal health and welfare, and one prescriptive call on intact pig tails. The open call is open to all forms of innovation.  

Call 3 is open call to all creative ideas relating to Women in Agriculture and must adhere to the CSP objectives.

Can a project focus on specific agricultural sectors or topics, such as sustainability, technology adoption, or rural development, if it also ties in with either of the two listed calls?

Yes, if it falls within the CAP Strategic Plan.  

Can projects involve international collaboration, or are they limited to a specific region/ Ireland?

No. The funding is coming specifically from the CSP and must be allocated within the Rep. Of Ireland.

How does the local solution to local challenges apply to the Women in Agriculture EIP?

A project that finds an innovative solution to a local issue is key. It would need to relate specifically to Women in Agriculture, and where possible, mobilise the local community and resources to address that issue.  

Patricia Deane, who presented in the webinar, is a perfect example of a female going out to meet with the farmers and addressing the challenges faced and provide for their needs. However, the successful projects in call 2 and 3 would need to deliver for women, rather than just be delivered by women.

Are there any resources or supports available to help applicants develop their project proposals?

CAP Network Ireland is available to handle queries and general questions, whereas DAFM can be reached regarding technical details in the email addresses provided.  

When in doubt refer to the information pack provided by CAP Network and use the DAFM website as a resource.

Do you need to achieve 60% in each category or is it combined 60% across all three?

You need to achieve 60% in each of the categories to ensure the project proposal is well rounded and robust.

Is the EIP project funding 100% funded or is co-financing required?

The winning application will be 100% funded under the EIP initiative. The projects cannot receive double funding from public sources on the same actions. Projects are welcome to seek additional funding outside of public avenues.

Do successful applicants require permission from DAFM if amendments to the project are required later?

Innovation is the main objective of an EIP projectDefined actions and goals at the outset, can be flexible in the delivery of the project to best suit local needs, once justified. This provides the opportunity for the project to evolve and adapt to best fit the project participants’ needs and achieve the intended objectives.

Does it mean if DAFM accepts 4 projects, the €650000 is divided by 4?

No, it is up to a maximum of €650,000 for each winning project.

Of the 56 EIPs, how many have been scaled up / adopted by DAFM and rolled out in the department's mainstream program?

There are numerous results-based payments projects and schemes which have followed on from EIPs or have been directly influenced by the learnings from EIPs.  

The purpose of EIP’s is showing proof of concept. If the expected results are not achieved, learning from the short falls or change of direction is just as important. These can filter into many future schemes or even future EIPs.

Phase 2: EIP-AGRI Webinar Presentations

Phase 2: Technical Documents & Guidelines

Phase 2: Watch The EIP-AGRI Information Webinar

If you haven’t found the answer you’re looking for here, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help you.