The Bioeconomy in Ireland

The bioeconomy covers all sectors (including agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture) and systems (including nature, land, food, energy, built environment and health). It is the part of the economy that uses renewable biological resources such as animals, plants, micro-organisms, and derived biomass and organic waste to produce food, feed, bio-based products, energy and services, while also reducing waste.

The bioeconomy offers society a path to apply knowledge, science, technology, and innovation as sustainable solutions to how we use and consume our biological resources, which respects nature and increases social equality by reducing our use of fossil resources and developing green practices, products, and local jobs in places where we wish to live.

Bioeconomy Resources

News From The Bioeconomy in Ireland

Who’s Involved in the Bioeconomy in Ireland?




Thematic Area

Bioeconomy Implementation Group Co-Chair DECC & DAFM
BioConnect Bioeconomy Innovation Centre
Biorbic Research and Education at UCD
CircBio Research and Education at MTU, Tralee
Circular Bioeconomy South West Cluster Business Cluster
CRE Composting and Anaerobic Digestion Association of Ireland
Irish Co-operative Organisation Society Skills, training and cooperative advice
IrBEA Irish Bioenergy Association
Irish Bioeconomy Foundation Research and Development
Marine Institute Blue Bioeconomy funding and awareness raising
North West Bioeconomy Hub Business Develeopment Hub
Shannon ABC Research at MTU & TUS
Southern Regional Assembly Regional Assembly involved in Research & development
Teagasc Research and Education
The Green Institute Specalises in education and development
Udaras na nGaeltachta Training, employment and funding




Thematic Area

Addible Bioderived and bio-degradable materials, catalysis, waste valorisation
Alltech Biotechnology
Atlantic Biocycle Converting fish waste into fertiliser
Beotanics Sustainable supply of unique plant varieties
Bioatlantis Utilizes seaweed as a renewable and sustainable raw material
BioMarine Ingredients Ireland A leader in the supply of marine based lipids, proteins and calcium
Brandon Bioscience Production of precision biostimulants
Circular Food Company Turning excess food or byproducts back into high-quality functional ingredients
Clearpower Ltd. Wood energy and organic waste management company
ClonBio Group Manufactures sustainable bioproducts from grain
Green Generation Anaerobic digestion to convert agricultural and food waste to renewable energy
GreenGas AD Plant
Harp Renewables Limited A range of aerobic food waste digesters
Hexafly Insect protein
Irish Industrial Tanks Experts in Anaerobic Digestion Tank Installation
Monaghan Biosciences MBio creates natural meat free foods
Moorepark Technology Commercial pilot plant & research services for food industry
MyGug W Micro Scale Anaerobic Digester
NuPlanet Sustainable Solutions Impartial expert advice on sustainable solutions
Nutramara Technology platform for the release and manufacture of functional marine molecules
NutriBio Manufacture of supplementary feeds
Premier Green Energy Manufacturer of waste to energy products
Pure Ocean Algae Macro Algae based Biotechnology Company
SAMCO Degradable mulch film
SomaTech F high-value functional ingredients from plantbased feedstocks
Stream BioEnergy Develops, owns and operates large-scale biogas projects


Glossary of Terms

Click the button below for a glossary of terms related to the bioeconomy:

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