Innovative Climate Resilient Reforestation Pilot Scheme Launched

Aug 12, 2024 | Climate Change, Farm Viability, Innovation

The new Climate Resilient Reforestation Pilot Scheme was recently launched with the aim of increasing the climate resilience of the national forest estate by increasing the proportion of forest land managed under permanent forest cover. This pilot scheme will offer financial supports to forest owners to replant their felled forests under a new management regime to achieve greater species diversity while simultaneously decreasing risk from pest, disease and extreme weather events.

The rationale behind the scheme is to build capacity for more sustainable forests in Ireland that can produce high quality timber products and deliver important ecosystem services, such as protecting and improving soil and water quality.

There are three different elements available to forest owners in the Climate Resilient Reforestation Pilot Scheme:
• Reforestation for Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF)
• Reforestation for Native Forests
• Reforestation for Biodiversity and Water

Maximum grant levels available under the Climate Resilient Reforestation Pilot Scheme
Reforestation for Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) offers a fixed grant of €1,800/ha for forest owners
Reforestation for Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) offers two tiers of fixed grants with €4,000/ha available in High Ecological Priority Areas and €2,225/ha available on all other sites
Reforestation for Biodiversity and Water will offer a fixed grant of €2,500/ha

Premium payments per hectare
Reforestation for Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF): €150/ha for 7 years
Reforestation for Native Forests (high ecological priority areas): €650/ha for 7 years
Reforestation for Native Forests (all other sites): €500/ha for 7 years
Reforestation for Biodiversity and Water: €350/ha for 7 years

Full details on how to apply, along with grant and premium rates, are available at gov – Climate Resilient Reforestation Pilot Scheme (

Farmers can find information on afforestation grants and premiums in the
Farm Forestry Booklet and calculate potential afforestation income in the Forestry Calculator.

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