The EU CAP Network is organising a ‘Partnering for innovation with impact in agriculture and rural areas’ brokerage event with a focus on innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI. The event will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from Tuesday 29 to Wednesday 30 April 2025.
Participants who would like to share their knowledge and experience on the topic, and who would like to apply for the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 calls from the 2025 Work Programme, should find this event to be particularly interesting.
Representatives of R&I projects (EIP-AGRI Operational Groups and Horizon-funded Multi-Actor Projects), farmers and organisations, innovation brokers, advisors, businesses and networks, National Contact Points, Managing Authorities, National CAP Networks, EU R&I partnerships, innovation support services, journalists, scientists and researchers including universities and spin-offs, venture capital, and any others interested in the brokerage event topics are being actively sought.
This event will be dedicated to matchmaking and networking amongst R&I project representatives, farmers, advisors, researchers, and other relevant stakeholders to support the preparation of proposals for the upcoming calls included in the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 Work Programme for 2025 in the following thematic areas:
• digital and data technologies
• sustainable, healthy and resilient crop and livestock production
• new business models and value chains
• circular water management and soil health
In addition to Horizon Europe, other funding opportunities will be explored to enhance further innovation and collaboration across the sector, disseminate and upscale innovative solutions, and maximise the impact of R&I results on the ground. These include relevant European and national, private and public funding mechanisms.
People interested in participating and actively sharing their experience and innovative ideas, should complete and submit their application before 17 February 2025, 23:59 CET.
Applications can be submitted here.
More information can be found on the event home page.
To learn more about the CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) 2023-2027, click here.